INCOPRO was developed to tackle the rising problem of treatment of disposable nappies and incontinence pads. While these products provide convenience, they take up to 150 years to decompose, and release greenhouse gases 21 times more potent than CO2. This surge in waste creates overflowing landfill and harmful emissions, clogged sewers with fatbergs and increased challenges with waste handling and infection control.
With INCOPRO, facilities can:
Reduce weight mass and volume by up to 80% in a 4 minute cycle (approximately), converting wet waste into drier, lighter waste suitable for easier handling and disposing.
Reduce the cost of waste handling by streamlining processes, reducing bin use, staff time, removal fees, and odour issues. Facilities can save up to 80% through the reduced frequency of waste collection services.
Reduce infections and cross contamination by processing soiled nappies and pads into sealed, touch-free waste. With its compact and hygienic design, it fits easily in care facilities.
Achieve trade waste compliance due to INCOPRO consistently meeting government health authority standards, with values significantly below the established limits.
INCOPRO is proudly designed and manufactured in Australia.